What is Ringless Voicemail (RVM) and How Does It Work for Real Estate Wholesalers?

Ringless voicemails are an effective marketing tool that has been popular in the past among real estate investors, in particularly wholesalers. The tool works by delivering voicemail messages directly to the recipient’s voicemail box without making their phone ring. This ensures that investors reach their target audience without interrupting their day-to-day activities. Additionally, it is a relatively inexpensive way to run a marketing campaign, and it is easy to use.
In this blog post, we will dive deeper into what RVM is and how it works for real estate wholesalers.
RVM technology is one of the most innovative ways to market to potential real estate leads. It is a tool that allows you to leave pre-recorded messages without having to ring their phones. Instead, the voicemail message is delivered quietly, as a notification, and they can listen to it whenever it’s convenient for them.
This technology is incredibly useful for real estate investors because it can be used to generate leads and grow the business through cold calling. It’s especially helpful if you’re reaching out to people who may not be receptive to taking phone calls from unknown numbers. With ringless voicemail, you can generate leads without ever making a phone call.
RVMs works by using servers to send voicemail messages. The technology sends a computer-generated message to the recipient’s voicemail without ever ringing their phone. The message will show up as a notification on the recipient’s phone, and they can listen to it at their own convenience.
Ringless voicemail technology is extremely efficient and effective. It saves time and money compared to traditional marketing strategies. The tool can help businesses create a large number of successful leads in a short amount of time. If you’re looking for new leads, this marketing tool is the perfect solution.
In real estate, RVM is often used for cold calling and targeting specific groups of individuals. For example, if you are a real estate wholesaler looking for off-market properties, you can pull a list of people who are behind on their payments, have liens, are absentee owners, etc. You can then use ringless voicemail to reach out to those individuals to make them aware of your services and how you can help them.
With all of this being said, RVMs have been heavily regulated in some states. We suggest doing your due diligence before starting to use RVMs in your business, as this may result in heavy fines.
In conclusion, RVM technology is an excellent tool for real estate wholesalers looking to grow their business by generating leads without direct cold calling. It helps businesses reach a large number of potential leads seamlessly and cost-effectively. This easy-to-use technology ensures that your marketing messages are delivered directly to the recipient’s voicemail box without ever making their phone ring.
Interested in integrating RVM’s into your marketing channel? Flippery VA Services provides this service! Contact us today to chat more about the details.
Happy Flipping!